We have Solution for All your Queries.

Q. How can I customize your products?

The process is very straightforward as our “off-the-shelf” designs are engineered for customization. First, you would contact us to share your specific design requirements (implant interface, surgical technique etc.) relative to one of our products. After studying feasibility, we will provide you with a quote for design and delivery of tailor-designed pack/drape. Once the pack/drape is approved, we can follow the regular build-to-print / contract-manufacturing process.

Q. Do I need to reconfirm near the deliver date?

No, it is not necessary. However, certainly feel free to do so.

Q. Can I visit your facility?

You are cordially invited. You will hear and see just what goes into the manufacturing of the drapes/packs that we proudly produce each day. Just contact us and we will make it happen.


Q. How can I keep up with new deigns?

The best way is to subscribe to our Newsletter and follow-up on Social Media. We look forward to your feedback.

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